
You might be both confused and frustrated if you've noticed trash floating in your pond. After all, ponds are meant to be serene, beautiful spaces that enhance your landscape – not dumping grounds for waste.

Unfortunately, many water bodies, especially those near urban or residential areas, often suffer from pollution. But why does this happen, and what can you do about it?

In this brief article brought to you by Aquatic Restoration, we take a closer look at the common reasons behind pond trash, what you can do to clean it up, and how you can prevent it from happening again.

If you’d like to consult with pond maintenance professionals about the problem, then call Aquatic Restoration to get in touch.

Where does pond trash come from?

Trash doesn’t magically appear in ponds, but it can seem that way when one day your water is pristine and littered with debris the next. Understanding the sources of pond trash can help you pinpoint the problem and take appropriate action.


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  • Runoff from Surrounding Areas: When it rains, stormwater carries debris from roads, yards, and public spaces into the water. Trash left on the ground—whether it’s plastic bottles, food wrappers, or cigarette butts—can easily be washed into your pond.
  • Littering and Negligence: If your pond is located near a park, hiking trail, or even in a residential area, visitors or neighbors might not always dispose of their trash responsibly. Even if there are garbage bins nearby, some people may litter out of laziness or ignorance.
  • Wind and Weather Conditions: Lightweight debris like plastic bags, paper, and other loose items can be blown over long distances. If your pond is situated near a road or open area, it can easily become a collection point for windblown waste.
  • Overflowing Trash Bins: If trash bins are full, people may leave their waste on the ground, where it can be blown or washed into the pond.

The consequence of trash in the pond

A pond full of trash is an eyesore, but the consequences extend far beyond aesthetics. Plastics and other waste materials release harmful chemicals into the water as they break down. This pollution can make the water unsafe for fish, plants, and even pets or wildlife that drink from the pond.

It’s not just the chemical pollution. Trash can physically harm fish and other creatures living in the pond. For instance, animals might mistake plastic for food. Fish, birds, and turtles can also become entangled in items like fishing lines, plastic rings, or netting.

Even organic waste can be harmful. Organic waste like leaves, grass, and food scraps can contribute to algae blooms, which deplete oxygen levels in the water and create a less healthy environment for fish and plants. This excess nutrient load often leads to murky water and foul odors.

Get pond maintenance professionals on the job

If you are tired of that murky and dirty pond, then consider hiring retention pond maintenance professionals. Aquatic Restoration offers everything from cleanup services to filtration system installations. Call or message us today to get started with a consultation.

15 / Sep / 2024

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